Multi Award winning Mainstream Dyslexia Specialist School for years 3 to 11


Key Stage 3

In Geography at Moon Hall, we look at physical and human aspects of the world. We try to understand why they are there, how they happened and how they are changing so that we can appreciate what our futures might be like.

We look at a whole range of topics such as:

  • Settlements and urban issues
  • Natural hazards (such as volcanoes)
  • Earthquakes and flooding
  • Deserts and tropical rainforests
  • The countries of Italy, Japan and the developing world.

Moon Hall pupil with a sketch book during a lessonAs well as using a range of traditional methods such as atlases and OS maps we also use a wide range of visual images as we study both photographs and video. By following current events in the news the relevance of Geography to everyday life is learnt.

We have the opportunity to go on field trips, for example studying how our local town centres are changing or further afield to explore areas of coastline.


Independent Learning Activities

Geography - Year 7

Geography - Year 8

Geography - Year 9


Key Stage 4

We follow the AQA Geography GCSE exam syllabus which has 3 sections with 3 exam papers at the end of Year 11.

Students will travel the world from the classroom, exploring case studies in the UK, other developed countries, newly emerging economies like India and low-income countries. Topics of study include:

  • Climate change
  • Poverty
  • Deprivation
  • Global shift in economic power
  • The challenge of sustainable resource use
  • Natural hazards

Students are also encouraged to understand their role in society, by considering different viewpoints, values and attitudes.

The syllabus will continue to develop skills acquired during KS3 using multiple visual resources maps, photographs, diagrams, DVDs and graphs. This suits our students very well as does the time spent discussing contemporary and relevant world issues in the news.

There is no differentiation between Higher and Foundation papers so students have full access to higher marks. The range of exam techniques includes:

  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Visual analysis
  • Short open questions
  • Some extended writing questions

There will be several field trips, including an urban investigation in London, a tourism enquiry in Brighton and possibly a residential trip to gain first-hand experience of tectonic activity.


Independent Learning Activities

Geography - Year 10

Geography - Year 11


How to Revise in Geography

Geography - Study Guide


Careers, Options & Pathways resources