Multi Award winning Mainstream Dyslexia Specialist School for years 3 to 11

Student Outcomes

Collaboration with Parents

Moon Hall has a strong belief in transparency and accountability. It is right and proper that parents are informed not only of progress but also of what their child is being taught in school.

To that end, we publish details of the aspects of the curriculum to be covered throughout the year in all subjects, with information about keywords to be introduced in different curriculum areas, and suggestions for visits or activities that parents may wish to support.

The school has a genuine Open Door policy. We believe in a strong pastoral structure and ensure that parents know who to contact when they need to.

Moon Hall pupil looking through a sketch bookOur Deputy Head Pastoral leads two Heads of School that also oversee the form tutors. We encourage pupils to discuss any concerns with their form tutor and for parents to also make the form tutor the first point of contact if appropriate. The Head is also more than happy to see and speak with parents and in this instance, an appointment should be made with her PA.

Reports on Attainment, Progress and Achievement

Half termly testing takes place in core subjects to enable academic staff to monitor and track pupil progress. This progress is reported termly to parents in the form of a written report.

Baseline testing in the form of CAT4 takes place for all new pupils to enable teaching staff to tailor their lessons based on each individual’s strengths and weaknesses. We work closely with our Speech and Language Therapists and Occupational Therapists to offer feedback to parents and to ensure our lessons are meeting the needs of every individual.

At Moon Hall we have high aspirations for all of our pupils. We share our expectations with them regularly through target setting and enabling them to contribute in ways they feel they could improve, and what support they would need to achieve these goals.