Multi Award winning Mainstream Dyslexia Specialist School for years 3 to 11

Term Dates

All term dates at Moon Hall are subject to change but as much notice as possible will be provided.

The school does not give permission for children to be absent during term time, except in very rare circumstances. However, in the case of any other absences from school such as interviews, planned medical procedures, etc permission must be sought first from Mrs Catterson, Please click on the link below to complete the form:. 

Absence link     

Please try to make dental appointments during school holidays, although we appreciate that this can be difficult at times.

Term Dates 2024-2025

Autumn (Michaelmas) Term

INSETMonday 2nd September
INSETTuesday 3rd September
Pupils returnWednesday 4th September
Half TermMonday 21st October - Friday 1st November
INSETFriday 29th November
Term ends (Half day)Friday 13th December

Spring (Lent) Term

INSETMonday 6th January
Pupils returnTuesday 7th January
Last day for pupils before half termThursday 13th February
Half TermFriday 14th February - Friday 21st February
INSETMonday 24th February
Pupils returnTuesday 25th February
Term endsFriday 28th March

Summer (Trinity) Term

Good FridayFriday 18th April
Easter MondayMonday 21st April
INSETTuesday 22nd April
Pupils returnWednesday 23rd April
Bank Holiday MondayMonday 5th May
Half TermMonday 26th May - Friday 30th May
Term ends (Half Day)Friday 11th July

Term Dates 2025-2026

Autumn (Michaelmas) Term

INSETWednesday 3rd September
INSETThursday 4th September
Pupils returnFriday 5th September
Half TermMonday 20th October - Friday 31st October
INSETFriday 28th November
Term ends (Half day)Friday 12th December

Spring (Lent) Term

INSETMonday 5th January
Pupils returnTuesday 6th January
Last day for pupils before half term (Half Day)Friday 13th February
Half TermMonday 16th February - Friday 20th February
INSETMonday 23rd February
Pupils returnTuesday 24th February
Term endsFriday 27th March

Summer (Trinity) Term

Good FridayFriday 3rd April
Easter MondayMonday 6th April
INSETMonday 20th April
Pupils returnTuesday 21st April
Bank Holiday MondayMonday 4th May
Half TermMonday 25th May - Friday 29th May
Term ends (Half Day)Friday 10th July