Multi Award winning Mainstream Dyslexia Specialist School for years 3 to 11

Computing & ICT

Computing & ICT at Moon Hall is available for pupils in Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.

Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3 pupils work on units which are mapped against the Computing Curriculum. They explore many different aspects of Computing and work is often project based.  

Discrete digital literacy skills are also taught, both in Computing/ICT lessons and Assistive Technology lessons. 

Students explore computational thinking through class activities and the use of relevant software. In particular, FlowOl is used to model real world situations and to develop algorithms to control events. Programming is taught using Scratch and Micro:bits. Students also learn about hardware and software components that make up computer systems, and gain understanding of how these communicate with one another. 

Theoretical learning is embedded within creative units, and students  develop skills such in video editing, graphic design and animation. The risks of ICT including internet safety and the use of social networking sites are explored through PSHEE as well as through computing lessons and assemblies. 

Practical work is encouraged in all units, for example students get hands on experience at building computers, using DSLR cameras and tripods and working with greenscreen. 

Projects throughout KS3 have links to the KS4 course, ensuring that students have the knowledge and skills to enable them to start KS4 with confidence.

Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4, we offer the OCR Creative iMedia Level 1/2 Certificate which is a vocational course, equivalent to 1 GCSE. The course is graded at level 1 or 2 at pass, merit, distinction and distinction*.  

The course is made up of 2 coursework units and 1 exam unit. The units are completed and assessed throughout the course, with the exam being taken in year 11. 

R093: Creative Imedia in the media indutry

  • This exam unit is 40% of the final mark. 
  • Board set examination – written paper: 1hr 30mins 


In this unit, students will learn about the sectors, products and job roles that form the media industry. They will learn the legal and ethical issues considered and the processes used to plan and create digital media products. They will learn how media codes are used within the creation of media products to convey meaning, create impact, and engage audiences. They will learn to choose the most appropriate format and properties for different media products. 

Completing this unit will provide students with the basic skills for further study or a range of creative job roles within the media industry.

R094: Visual identity and digital graphics

  • This exam unit is 25% of the final mark. 
  • Non-examined assessment set by the exam board. 

In this unit, students will learn how to develop visual identities for clients. They will also learn to apply the concepts of graphic design to create original digital graphics which incorporate their visual identity to engage a target audience. Completing this unit will introduce the foundations for further study or a wide range of job roles within the media industry. 

R098: Visual imaging

  • This exam unit is 35% of the final mark. 
  • Non-examined assessment set by the exam board. 

In this unit, students will learn how to apply the conventions of both static and moving images, which make up the language of visual imaging and communication.  

They will plan and capture photographs and moving images using a digital camera and learn to edit and process photographs and video sequences to create meaningful products in response to client briefs.  

Completing this unit will equip students with a range of skills to use digital camera equipment and editing software and provide a basis for further study or creative and technical job within the media industry. 


Independent Learning Activities

ICT - Year 7

ICT - Year 8

ICT - Year 9

IMedia - Year 10

IMedia - Year 11


Careers, Options & Pathways resources