Multi Award winning Mainstream Dyslexia Specialist School for years 3 to 11

Staff List

At Moon Hall, Reigate, we have a dedicated team of staff.
We encourage you to contact your child’s teachers and therapists directly. You will find the email addresses for each member of staff on the Parent Portal. If you have a more general query, please contact [email protected].

Our Senior Leadership Team

Mrs Michelle Catterson 
BSc (Biology with Industrial placement), PGCE Biology & RE, NPQH
Executive Head
Direct Line: 01306 611938
Mr Daniel Crowhurst 
BSc Hons (Management), PGCE Mathematics
Deputy Head
Direct Line: 01306 611935
Mr Tom Duke
BSc Hons (Sports Studies)
Assistant Head, Head of Sport
Direct Line: 01306 611933
Mr Andrew Rowe
BA Hons (Marketing), PGCE Design Technology, NPQSL
Assistant Head, Head of DT, Head of Junior School
Direct Line: 01306 611933
Mrs Andrea Owens
Direct Line: 01306 611470
Mrs Beverley Sheat
Operations & Premises Manager
Direct Line: 01306 611937

Thank you to every teacher that has taught in school and online all of our children.  Thank you to every member of staff behind the scenes that keeps the school running like clock work. - Mrs G, Parent

Teaching Staff

Name PositionContact
Mr John Abbott  BA Combined Studies (English/History), PGCEGeography Teacher 
Mrs Sarah Barber-Khan, BSc (Genetics), PGCE BiologyHead of Science 
Mrs Tracy Bell M.Ed, MA (ODE), BSc, PGCE, QTLLS, FSETEnglish Teacher 
Mr Hakan Besim, BSc (Hons) (Information Systems) QTSHead of Computing 
Ms Sarah Bocking, BA (Hons) (Ceramics), PGCEHead of Art 
Ms Eden Bunyan, BSc(Hons) Sport, Coaching and Physical Education, QTS, PGCEPE Teacher and Teaching Assistant 
Mr Simon Cattanach, BTh, HADC Dip SpLD (Dyslexia)Junior School and English Teacher 
Mrs Michelle Catterson, BSc (Biology with Inducstrial placement), PGCE Biology & RE Science Teacher 
Mrs Rosalind Clark, BA (Hons) (English/Drama), PGCE, HADC Dip SpLD Cert Phono-GraphixDrama and Music Teacher (Junior School) 
Mr Dominic Claxton, BSc (Hons) Geography with Marine Science, PGCE, Cert Phono-GraphixHead of Geography 
Mrs Julie CollinsOracy Teacher 
Mrs Sally Collins TA Level 3, HND in Hotel, Catering and Institutional ManagementFood Tech Teacher 
Mr Joseph Crawford, BA (Second Class Hons) English Literature with Creative WritingEnglish Teacher 
Mr Daniel Crowhurst BSc (management), PGCE (Mathematics)Maths Teacher 
Mr David Curran BSc(Hons) Export Engineering & PGCE Design & TechnologyAssistive Technology Lead and Head of Careers 
Ms Rachel Drew BA(Hons)Acting at Arts and PGCELearning Mentor 
Mr Tom Duke, BSc(Hons) (Sports Studies)Head of Sport 
Mrs Kate Eastwood, BA (Hons) (English and Educational Studies), PGCE (English, Drama and Media), Level 5 DIST (DA)Head of English 
Mr Matthew Everall BSc Sports Science, QTS, PGCEEnglish Teacher  
Mr Andrew Fletcher, BA (Social Studies Hons in Ecomomics) and PGCEMaths Teacher 
Mrs Robyn Hoffe, BSc (Biochemistry and Microbiology), PDM, PGCEHead of Maths 
Ms Jade Jago BA (Hons) Professional Musicianship and Vocal Performance & PGCEHead of Performing Arts 
Miss Isobel Lord BA Primary Education, QTSClass Teacher 
Mrs Susannah McKay MA (Hons) Psychology and PGCE ScienceScience Teacher, KS2 Lead for Science 
Mr Joe Martin QTSJunior School Teacher, KS2 Lead for Maths  
Mrs Karen Martin, BA, MA (Performing Arts), PGCE (English and Drama), OCR Dip SpLD (Dyslexia)English Teacher 
Mr Ian Matthews, BEd (Primary) and PGCEMaths Teacher, Pastoral Support Lead  
Miss Kelly Meade, BA PGCEHead of History 
Mrs Katrina Millard, BA Hons English, MA Medieval Literature and History, PGCE English and Drama, Dip SpLD Cert Phono-GraphixJunior School Teacher 

Mrs Janette Obinyan BSc Biochemistry, QTS

Science Teacher  
Mr Andrew Rowe, BA(Hons) (3D Design), PGCE, Design TechnologyHead of DT 
Miss Kirsty Wallace BA(Hons) Physical Education with QTSHead of Girls Games 
Miss Jess Wheeler BSc(Hons) Sports Development & PGCEJunior School Teacher, KS2 Lead for English  
Mrs Charlotte Weston, BA (Hons) French, Politics, MA European StudiesHead of Business Studies 
Mrs Elanor Wexler, BA (Hons) (Music Technology), PGCE (ICT)Head of Information Technology 

SEN Department

Mrs Sophie DilworthSENCo for Years 8 & 11 
Mrs Catherine Gear
SENCo Admin Support & Exams Officer
Mrs Anna McGuffogSENCo for Juniors & Year 7 
Mrs Danielle LaneySENCo for 9 & 10  
Mrs Lucy Pelling
Head of Assessment Centre & Outreach Development
Direct Line: 01306 611932
Mrs Kathryn Savage
Assistant SENCo & ELSA
Direct Line: 01306 611932

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Jana Bowhill 
Mrs Jane Foster  
Mrs Nicola Gray (CACHE Level 2) 
Mrs Alice Harrison 
Mr Sam King  
Miss Anastasiia Kruk 
Mrs Carol Merritt 
Mrs Alison Sandrin (Level 5) 
Mrs Sharon Sharp 
Mrs Eve Squire (HADC) 
Mrs Sue Wicking 


Speech and Language Therapists (SaLT)

Miss Abigail Hoad

Specialist Speech and Language Therapist (Band 6). BSc (Hons) Psychology and Sociology, MMedSci Clinical Communication Studies. HCPC Registered and MBPS.


Mrs Tracy Jackson

Specialist Speech and Language Therapist 


Miss Sabrina Beevor 

Specialist Speech and Language Therapist (Band 6). BA Italian Studies and English Language, MSc Speech and Language Therapy. Cert MRCSLT, HCPC Registered.

Occupational Therapists

Mrs Laura Parkin-Smith 

Head of Therapy and Specialist Occupational Therapist (Band 8A). BSc Occupational Therapy, PGCert Sensory Integration. HCPC Registered.


Mrs Ruth Fitzsimons

Specialist Occupational Therapist (Band7). Diploma in Occupational Therapy.  Diploma in Psychological Counselling.  C.E. Certiificate inSensory Integration. HCPC Registered.


Carol Merritt

Therapy Assistant 


Mrs Karen Young

Specialist Occupational Therapist (Band 7). Post Graduate Diploma OT. HCPC Registered.


Peripatetic Music and Dance

Mr Stuart Andrews - Vocals, Piano, Guitar and Bass 
Mr Ian Stott - Brass Teacher 
Mr Joe Colfar - Drum Teacher  



Mrs Andrea Owens
Direct Line: 01306 611470
Mrs Gwen Duffin
Financial Manager
Direct Line: 01306 611931
Mr Ian Buttress
Finance Assistant
Direct Line: 01306 611931



Mrs Andrea OwensBursar
Direct Line: 01306 611470
Mrs Paula BarrettReceptionist & School Administrator 
Direct Line: 01306 611372
Mrs Debbie Best
PA to the Head
Mrs Sally Collins
Marketing Assistant
Mr Graham Cawley
IT Network Manager
Mr Ben Driskell
IT Technician 
Mrs Catherine Gear
SENCo Admin Support & Exams Officer 
Mrs Lan HarcombeFundraising, Events, Alumni and Communications Officer 
Miss Katie Maiklem
HR Officer and DDSL 
Miss Maddie MaiklemAdministrative Assistant  
Mrs Shelly O'KeefeTransport Coordinator 
Mrs Michelle Payne
Admissions Registrar & PA support to the Head
Direct Line: 01306 611939
Mrs Kathryn Savage 
SENCo Administrator Assistant & ELSA


Catering and Premises

Mrs Beverley Sheat 
Operations Manager
Direct Line: 01306 611937
Mrs Lisa Chambers
Food Service Assistant
[email protected]
Mr Jake Penny Chef [email protected]
Mr Howard QuigleyHead Chef[email protected]
 House Keeping  
Mr Gary Beers Cleaning Supervisor 
Mrs Lauren Elms Cleaning Operative  
Mrs Leinne Drinkwater Cleaning Operative  
Mr Nathaniel NortonSite Maintenance 
Mr Dave WestonSite Maintenance  
Mr Michael Fitzgerald
Minibus Driver
Mrs Sharon Cumper
Minibus Driver
Mr Stephen Kitching
Minibus Driver
Mr Ian Strathern
Minibus Driver
Mrs Louise AustinMinibus Driver 
Mr Tom TebbothMinibus Driver 
Mrs Marian Delaney Minibus Driver  
Mr Rahim UddinMinibus Driver