Multi Award winning Mainstream Dyslexia Specialist School for years 3 to 11

Adult Assessments


Our Clinical Psychologist 

Our Clinical Psychologist (CP) is chartered by the British Psychological Society and registered with the Health and Care Professions Council.

Since qualifying in 2005, our CP has specialised in working with adults with a particular interest in Autism and ADHD.  She continues to work in the NHS, being a Principal Clinical Psychologist. Over the years our CP has developed a passionate interest in working with people with autism and/ or ADHD. She started her career with work in learning disabilities and then moved to work with adults without learning disabilities. For the last ten years, she has made this her specialism where she developed her skills and knowledge in the assessment of adults with autism and/ or ADHD. Our CP  now manages an NHS adult autism assessment service and does private work with neurodivergent adults and children.

Corinne Murphy - Highly Specialist Autism Clinician 

Corinne is a highly specialist autism clinician passionate about delivering outstanding quality and service. Since qualifying at Kings College London as a psychiatric nurse in September 2000 with experience in the Maudsley hospital, Lewisham hospital, Guys hospital adolescent unit and CAMHS in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire

Corinne has undertaken 25 years of experience in psychiatry and both inpatient and outpatient mental health

Since 2007 she had dedicated her career path to carry out complex neurodevelopment assessments and management of children adolescents and adults with neurodiversity and psychiatric co-morbidities this includes: extensive knowledge and experience of co occurring presentations of eating disorders, self harm and psychosis.

Corinne currently works for the NHS as a diagnostician, trainer, teacher, supervisor, researcher and service developer. She also has a specialist interest in AuDHD and hormones and how they affect mental well-being.

PDA or EDA and it’s impact on anxiety and functioning.

Corinne currently explores the links with Hyper-mobility and MCAS POTS and fibromyalgia and its impact on the individual.

Peri Hallsworth - Specialist Dyslexia Assessor 

Peri is a Specialist Dyslexia/Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) Assessor and holds APC. Alongside completing private assessments with children and adults, she assesses part-time in one of the country’s leading sixth-form colleges and provides specialist study skills tutoring and mentoring to neurodiverse university students. 

Peri has been working with individuals, from primary to mature age, with special educational needs and disabilities since 2013. She believes in exploring all options available including diagnostic assessment, follow-up support, one-to-one specialist tutoring and mentoring together with training in assistive technology to ensure that students can access their learning and reach their potential.  By encouraging a positive working relationship with the student, parents and educational stakeholders, Peri believes that it is possible for students to enjoy their learning journey and achieve their educational outcomes.